Thursday, November 10, 2011

The joys of an Un-Cracked Standard

Greetings Dear Readers!  You are the beneficiaries of my need to fill the time until Skyrim releases in 10 hours.  That game is going to consume my life and provide a bit of a break from Magic.  But you didn't come here to read about my Dragon-Slaying Warrior-Mage Werewolf, you came to read about collectible cardboard pieces.  So, as long as we are here I might as well talk about the Standard metagame and a "new" brew to beat it.

I don't mean to brag (that's a lie) but I was on the cutting edge of G/W technology a couple of weeks ago.  Juza won a GP and I came up just short in KC with similar decks (mine being built for single threats rather than tokens).  Since then G/W has taken over our local metagame at Wizards Asylum in Norman and I believe it is the best deck in Standard if tuned properly. 

The archetype has come up short at recent SCG Opens but I believe that is due to incorrect tuning.  Juza's build was designed to beat U/W Humans (which it does, VERY well) but it has little game against U/B control.  That problem is rectified by one card, Thrun, the Last Troll.  The card is very powerful in any matchup, I have no idea why he hasn't been picked up in the main by people playing G/W.  He give you an early and unstoppable beater against control while also providing insurance against Day of Judgment.  Bottom line: if you are playing green, play the main.

So, what else is happening with this meta? Everyone remembered Mirran Crusader was a card and Wolf Run died.  The only viable version of the ramp deck now is Wolf Run Robots, which folds in half to board wipes and counter spells.  For the record, I really like the Robots build, it looks fun!  The other previous champion, U/B control, had some success this weekend.  I believe his success was due to good match ups and a lack of Dungrove Elders in the field.  The build that took down SCG Vegas is completely underwhelming.  It didn't have enough threats or enough counter spells.  I seriously have no idea how he won that tournament.

What about new and fringe decks?  One of the break-out decks of the weekend was U/W Illusions.  The deck looks cool and different, it's just early beatdown and counter magic.  But let's get one thing straight: this deck is not Fish.  The counterspells are not free which means you can either tap out early and get beat by better 2 and 3 drops or leave mana up early and play incredibly mediocre cards late.  This deck does not do what you want it to do...don't kid yourself.  Oh yea, and guess what every G/W deck is playing now: That's right, Mortarpod.  Do you have any idea how hard Mortarpod and Garruk Relentless wreck Illusions?  Hint: pretty damn hard.

Another new archetype is R/B Counter-Burn.  I can see the merits of this deck, and I think Snapcaster Mage is at his best in these lists.  I can also see a LOT of awkward hands full of the wrong answer at the wrong time.  This deck loses hard to Thrun and any amount of life gain.  Wow, I didn't realize that this article was just going to be about how ever other deck loses to G/W, but if the shoe fits...  These lists do have red in them though, and that color is your best answer to the Crusader.

Bringing up the rear are Mono Red, U/W Humans, Mono Black Infect, Birthing Pod (any flavor), and the new U/W Blade decks. These all have their own strengths and weaknesses but are either too linear, too slow, or have too few answers.  Decks in the current metagame need diverse answers, a fast and reliable clock, or overwhelmingly powerful cards on a curve.  These decks simply don't offer any or enough of those traits to truly compete.

At the beginning of the post I said something about a "new" brew.  That brew is one that Brian Kibler will adore.  It is basically just adding red to the G/W shell to help break the mirror. 







The biggest concern I have for this list is the mana base.  It seems stable enough, but a few test hands I have seen a bit of wonkiness.  One thing that I would love to add is Gavony Township, but I am not sure the 3 color mana base can handle more than 1 or 2 colorless lands.  Either way, I think this deck has an edge on a lot of the field.  If Juza's G/W build is running the show in your meta I suggest this deck as an answer.  If your meta is still Wolf Run, Solar Flare, and U/B then just add 3 Thruns to the main deck of Juza's build and roflstomp your way to some packs.

As always I am looking for feedback!  If you think I could have done something better, or would like me to talk about something specific please leave me a comment.  You can also get my attention via twitter (@CapnTopDeck).  And be sure to check out Planeswalker Asylum (on, our podcast of rising stars in the Southwest.  Thanks for reading!

"When your pack 1, pick 1 is Bloodline Keeper the deck pretty much builds itself..."

1 comment:

  1. I've been seeing a GWR tokens build with Myriad Wellspring and Kudoltha Rebirth, it is interesting, but the GW build is just stupid good.
